Jacques Doukhan
Theology Professor
Andrews University (USA)
TOPIC: The Three Angels' Messages
Alberto Timm
Ellen G. White Estate, General Conference (USA)
TOPIC: The Investigative Judgement
Jerry Page
Ministerial Association,
General Conference (USA)
TOPIC: Revival and Reformation
Heraldo Lopes
Theology Professor
Mozambique Adventist University
TOPIC: The Shaking
Sergio Becerra
Theology Professor
River Plate Adventist
University (Argentina)
TOPIC: The Latter Rain
Ty Gibson
International Speaker
Light Bearers (USA)
TOPIC: The Loud Cry
John Bradshaw
International Speaker
It is Written (USA)
TOPIC: The Preaching of the Gospel in all the World
Vanderlei Dorneles
Theology Professor
São Paulo Adventist University
TOPIC: Sunday Law
Gluder Quispe
Theology Professor
Peruvian Adventist
University (Peru)
TOPIC: God’s People Flee
the Cities
Kwabena Donkor
BRI, General Conference
TOPIC: The Sealing of God’s People
Carlos Olivares
Theology Professor
Brazil Adventist University (Brazil)
TOPIC: Satan Impersonates Christ
Luís Gonçalves
International Speaker
South American Division
TOPIC: The End of Probation
Rodrigo Silva
Theology Professor
São Paulo Adventist University (Brazil)
TOPIC: The Time of Jacob’s Trouble
Felix Cortez
Theology Professor
Andrews University
TOPIC: The Seven Last Plagues
Robert Costa
International Speaker
It is Written / General Conference (USA)
TOPIC: The Death Decree
Doug Batchelor
International Speaker
Amazing Facts
TOPIC: Armageddon
Daniel Bosqued
Theology Professor
Sagunto Adventist Campus (Spain)
TOPIC: A Special Resurrection
Mark Finley
International Speaker
General Conference
TOPIC: Christ’s Second Coming
Frank Hasel
BRI, General Conference
TOPIC: The Resurrection of the Righteous
Clinton Wahlen
BRI, General Conference
TOPIC: The Destruction of the Wicked
Ekkehardt Mueller
BRI, General Conference
TOPIC: The Millennium
Alejandro Medina
GEMA Editores (Mexico)
TOPIC: The Binding of Satan
Elias Brasil de Souza
BRI, General Conference
TOPIC: The New Jerusalem Descends to the Earth and Satan’s Final Battle
Alejandro Bullón
International Speaker
South American Division
TOPIC: A New World without Sin
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All 24 presentations/interviews are pre-recorded videos and will be available to you from 00:00 (Spanish time) on January 23, 2021. So you can attend the conference at your most convenient time. You can watch all the episodes anytime. If you cannot connect on the 23rd, you can do so on the 24th or the 25th, and so on.
All content will be available in three languages: English, Portuguese, and Spanish.
If you have signed up with free access, the content would be available only between January 23-31, 2021. If you signed up through “Access forever,” you will have unlimited access to all the presentations, and you will also receive a 10 € ($12.13) discount coupon to use at www.safelizbibles.com. For Safeliz to use the Hotmart platform, it was necessary to have some “product” for sale. Most participants choose free access; however, unlimited access will offer many advantages to those who choose this option.
Yes! At the end of the conference, there will be an ebook in the add-on module within Hotmart with the content of the 24 presentations. Each of the presenters wrote an article about their specific topics. It is indeed an outstanding ebook with approximately 80,000 words!